Brain Boom Level 1702 answers
Hello everybody, here we are today with Brain Boom, new exciting quiz for Android, which is on our review and find solutions. From easy to extremely difficult, these witty word scapes will surely crush your hours and increase your word vocabulary and train your brain limit in this free word games! This game consists of more than 4000 brainstorming puzzles, and that’s why you need help, and this page will help you in getting each answer correct. Different from the crossword, word search, scrabble, wit puzzle, we bring you an unexpected game experience with creative thinking and classic word puzzle. In this game, you have to connect the letter blocks to build a word. We have completed Level 1702 and provided the answers which will help you to complete the level when you’re stuck.
The answer for this level is:
Other levels:
- Brain Boom Level 1703 - I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
- Brain Boom Level 1704 - I am yours only once a year, you still cut me up with no fear. What am I?
- Brain Boom Level 1705 - What goes in the water red, and comes out black?
- Brain Boom Level 1706 - Halo of water, tongue of wood. Skin of stone, long I've stood. My fingers short reach to the sky. Inside my heart men live and die.
- Brain Boom Level 1707 - You are having a bad day if 12 peers deem you to be this
- Brain Boom Level 1708 - My first is in ocean but never in sea. My second's in wasp but never in bee. My third is in glider and also in flight. My whole is a creature that comes out at night.
- Brain Boom Level 1709 - I'm very tempting, so it's said, I have a shiny coat of red, and my flesh is white beneath. I smell so sweet, taste good to eat, and help to guard your teeth.
- Brain Boom Level 1710 - Tall I am young, Short I am old, While with life I glow, Wind is my foe. What am I?