Brain Boom Level 3252 answers
Hello everybody, here we are today with Brain Boom, new exciting quiz for Android, which is on our review and find solutions.
From easy to extremely difficult, these witty word scapes will surely crush your hours and increase your word vocabulary and train your brain limit in this free word games!
This game consists of more than 4000 brainstorming puzzles, and that’s why you need help, and this page will help you in getting each answer correct.
Different from the crossword, word search, scrabble, wit puzzle, we bring you an unexpected game experience with creative thinking and classic word puzzle.
In this game, you have to connect the letter blocks to build a word. We have completed Level 3252 and provided the answers which will help you to complete the level when you’re stuck.
The answer for this level is:
Other levels:
- Brain Boom Level 3253 - Take away my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all my letters and I would remain the same. What am I?
- Brain Boom Level 3254 - What kind of dog keeps the best time?
- Brain Boom Level 3255 - A serpent swam In a silver urn, A golden bird did in its mouth abide, The serpent drank the water, this in turn, Killed the serpent. Then the gold bird died.
- Brain Boom Level 3256 - This company makes billions of dollars selling Windows.
- Brain Boom Level 3257 - Large as a mountain, small as a pea, Endlessly swimming in a water-less sea.
- Brain Boom Level 3258 - Under pressure is the only way I work, and by myself is the only way I'm hurt. What am I?
- Brain Boom Level 3259 - You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?
- Brain Boom Level 3260 - In an alien land far away, half of 10 is 6. If the same proportion holds true, then what is 1/6th of 30 in this alien land?